Our washroom |
In the afternoon we practiced singing for our part of the
entertainment during the Ground Breaking Ceremony that the Scouts of Botswana
had arranged. It was a struggle to get
into our uniform after all it was 44 degrees!!!!
At the ceremony we were made to feel very welcome and it was
really nice to see how the Botswanans traditionally do things and also to be
involved. After the ceremony we had a chance
to chat to the Botswanan Scouts who were wildly excited about us being involved
with their projects and wanted to take pictures of us all. To end the day we got invited to join their
campfire. They even made the lighting of
the fire into a ceremony; they translated their entire ceremonial introduction
so we could understand. The campfire was
pure buzzin’ with excitement. There was
lots of laughter and positive vibes - everyone really enjoyed themselves and
were pleased to be involved in part of these precious memories.
We heard on Wednesday that the container has eventually left
Durban and should be with us in the next 7 days – BUT we are not holding our
Today, Thursday having got most of base camp set up and had
a couple of meetings with members of the Scout Association of Botswana, we have
started work, in earnest, on the project.