Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Settling in

Sunday we had our Scout's Own as usual, but this time with 55 people.  This was followed by a photo shoot with the whole team in waist - up uniform, some of the uniforms looking a bit tired and grubby after 4 weeks in continual dusty conditions.  We have taken all team A uniforms to the laundry in town so it, hopefully, will not be too unpleasant for other passengers on the flights back to the UK!!!

Team B are settling in well and getting shown the the ropes by team A.  Our Botswanan team members prepared goat for Sunday evening meal, it was made the traditional way, Setswan, boiled with onion and then shredded  We were joined by 14 Maun Scouts bringing our total to about 70 - quite an achievement for the base camp team to cater for so many.  After being well fed we were treated to a Botswanan Bonfire to welcome the new team on site.  They invited Mark, from team A, to open it, a great honour and privilege.  A good night was had by all, although a late one – it was after 10 before everyone was in bed!!